Hi! I'm Arianna Howard.

I’m a compassion influencer for justice-seekers who desire psychologically safe environments in which to cultivate authentic relationships, prioritize personal wellbeing and engage in equity work.

Who you are as a human is who you are as a professional.

A deepened awareness of self is critical to being fulfilled professionally. We must acknowledge and make room for our human-ness, as this is space from which we perform professionally. Making room for one's human-ness is the essence of a psychologically safe space. But this means the tools I give you must be also practiced personally – this brings about authentic, lasting, impactful change.

Creating equitable, psychologically safe spaces to work, learn and play is simple:

Practice compassion.

I believe we all want the world to be a better place, we just need a little more practice creating it.

I gently guide you inward, to explore all the things that shape and influence your meaning making, self-care practices, conflict resolution strategies and relationship-building efforts.

I equip you with tools to connect with others more deeply, give yourself the permission to carve out the space to be your full self, and create the work life you've always dreamed of.

Everyone is doing the best they can with the tools they have in any given moment.

I also believe that…

Curiosity creates compassion

We make lots of assumptions about others' words and actions. We craft single stories and pick one side. If we could learn to observe our judgment of others before speaking or responding, we could strengthen our capacity to exercise compassion.

Self-care = Community Care

Somewhere along life's journey, we get the message that we must first tend to the needs of others, meet work demands, or silently suffer in psychologically unsafe spaces. By learning tools to take care of ourselves first and often, we give permission for others to do the same.

Change is always possible

If you found this page, you're one of the few charged with inspiring compassion in the world. You may feel powerless or ill-equipped to do so, but that is about to change. I’m here to provide the tools and practices to feel more empowered to create psychologically safe spaces in your world.

my TRAININGS & qualifications

Bachelor's of Science in Human Development from The Ohio State University

Master's of Education in Middle Grades education, math and english from The Ohio State University

Doctorate in Philosophy in Literacy Studies from The Ohio State University. The pursuit of my doctoral degree taught me to think, critique, study and research the world around me. These skills have proved invaluable in my current line of work.

I am a Sacred Woman and graduate of the Queen Afua Wellness Institute. Studying under Queen Afua taught me the power of unseen, the life-giving abilities of food and self-care and the ability to manifest the world I desire to live in.

Fun facts about Dr Howard

  • I'm left-handed.

  • My worst fear is stepping barefoot in a public restroom.

  • My Human Design Type is Manifesting Generator.

  • Despite my big personality while working with clients, I'm extremely shy and introverted.

  • I would love to visit Thailand one day, to learn from the practices of monks.

  • I have very strong empathic tendencies and can sense the energy of people, even those who may be thousands of miles from me.